
Sunday, May 3, 2020

🍕homemade pizza🍕

For technology, I made homemade pizza for the first time, and it turned out amazing! for making the dough, I searched up homemade pizza dough on youtube, this is the video that I used When I started to make the dough, I did the wrong measurement of yeast, it said one tsp but I did one Tbsp. Anyway, after I let the dough rest, we shaped our pizza and put toppings on it. Tips for making a pizza, knead the dough for about 10 minutes or until soft,  when rolling your dough make it very thin because it will double in size,  the pizza will be ready when golden brown.

Question time: have you ever made your own pizza dough before?     


  1. Hey Zoe, it's so nice to see you blogging again. How are you finding term 2 online so far? Hopefully it won't be too long and we will be able to get back into the classroom! Your pizza looks delicious! Did you share it with your bubble? Were they impressed? I love making pizza, it's so nice being able to choose what you put on it. I'm looking forward to seeing what you get up to this week! Caitlin :)

  2. My pizza was yum yum. No more buying pizza base when you make them and they so much better.You should post of that breakfast. Steak salad and chips.Your quick 2 minute chocolate cake is crazy easy but so nice.

  3. Watching Zoe in her element {cooking} enjoyed kneading the dough and making some pizza for the family.Then more pizza for dads lunch the next day too lol. Could you please make a gluten free pizza for mummy-darling .well done chief

    1. yes I will mum, when ever you want:)

  4. This is very impressive, I love that you made the dough too! It looks delicious. I think I see olives- mmmmmmmm. I hope that you have sent this to your technology teachers too, they would be very impressed and happy to hear what you have been doing. Se you soon, hopefully.

    1. Yes I have sent it to my technology teacher, and no they are not olives they are mushrooms,mmmmmmmm.I love mushrooms.


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