
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

🤜The past & now of a Tā moko🤛


Hi, guys & girls for Maori language we had to choose out of three choices for Maori  I choose Tā moko. what is a  Tā moko?. A Tā moko is a traditional  Maori tattoo design that is mostly done for a symbol of rank, social status, power and prestige  leaders, in the olden days. But  now  people do it for courage  , and self respect.

Quieston time, do one of your family members have a maori tattoo?

have you had a nice day today and why?

Bye have a nice day see you next week





Friday, October 16, 2020

catch a lot

   Hi guy's... and girls
for writing we had to write about a video here it's called catch a lot 
Anyways we had to first write 3 or 4 perigraphs, then we had to make a story about it. if there is anything I can work on please tell me
bye, have a nice day see you soon:)    

Friday, September 11, 2020

The magical science experiment

For witting, we had to make a create tarst with are science experiment from this week, and I made an adobe-park for my creativity. What was the experiment: we had lots of defiernt powders and we had warm water and we had to see which powder would desolve first.
bye have a nice day see you soon:)      

Friday, September 4, 2020

Evil monsters or saving the Environment?

For witting, we had to make a word art about what we think about wolves, in my opinion, I think that they are AMAZING!. But anyways the french farmers think the opposite because the wolves are killing their sheep so, they are making no profit and no money. And again yellow stone is totally the opposite again because they are CHANGING THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE ECOSYSTEM so... do you think that wolves are evil monsters or are helping the environment and ecosystem?

Bye have a nice day see you tomorrow and stay safe:)       

Friday, August 28, 2020

Fun experiment:)

for reading, we did an experiment about ice and salt, and we had to see if salt would wi,n out of the other powders or substances.  salt won after  1 hour 14 minutes and 36 seconds, jeez that's a long time. 
we had to do a Wondering, Hypothesis, the  Materials we would need, and more.
Question time: do you like experiments, or do you what to be a scientist when you're older?
 Have a nice day and stay safe bye :)

Friday, August 14, 2020



For language, we had to make an animation for greetings in Samoan. we had to do Hello, How are you and more. we used this video to learn the greetings Question time: is there anything a could change in my animation? please tell me
Bye have a nice day see you soon :)

Friday, July 24, 2020

The aspirin test

For literacy, we made a science experiment with aspirin. We made a hypothesis ( what do you think would happen) then we got to do the experiment. We needed the same size cup and crushed up one of the tablets, then we got some cold water and plopped in the crushed one in first and timed it and we did the same to the other one. I was quite disappointed that it did not froth up that much.
Question time: Have you done this experiment before?
Have a nice day see you soon bye:)

Thursday, July 23, 2020

My beautiful Penelope

maths, we had to make our own rule. First, we found a Robot, I named it Penelope. then we had to think of a rule but... I can not tell you because you need to figure it out yourself. we chose random numbers for the rule. Do you think you can forget about the rule try it out?
 Have A nice day see you soon hope you like my slide bye:)

Thursday, July 2, 2020

My fantastic pattern

For math's, we had to make a pattern with a shape or two, I chose a cube.  when have done choosing the pattern we had to make a template, for the shape number we had to put the number 1 2 3 4 5 and then put random numbers on.  Then we had to make are role my was shape N으 X 2+2 of cube like 5x2+2 = 12.
Queton time: what number would the 30th number be use the role?
Bye have a great day, see you soon:)

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Our beautiful constellation

For language, we were talking about Matariki, and what different Tibes think about what happened. After we had done talking about the Tribes, we got to make a DLO of Matariki, I did what animals each star I think they would be.
Question time: what Tribe are you in? 
Bye have a great day, see you soon next week:)

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Curious reading

Kia ora bloggers,

When reading a book, have you ever been curious about something you were reading, and wanted to find out more to help you understand what you were reading better?  We have been learning about how important this is this week in Literacy.

When we read The Magic School Bus inside the human body’ I formed some advanced questions using ‘how’ and ‘why’.  I made sure they were open-ended questions that would help me understand the book more.  An example of one of my questions was “Why are intestines coiled up?’ and I then researched and found out that an adult's intestine is 7.5m long, so it needs to coil up so that it fits in the body.

Next, we got to chose our own book to read out of our virtual library and we had to form 3 advanced questions about it.  Ours create task this week was to share these in a creative way.  I chose to do it with Google Drawing and it was about a book called ‘endurance.

I really enjoyed this task as it made me realize how important it is to do this when reading to understand the text better.

Question time: Do you ever do further research when you are reading a book to deepen your understanding? 
(PS Could not put the video on for some reason sorry)

Thursday, June 25, 2020


For reading we had to read a book of our choice, I  chose a book about a boat on frosty water, and some people to get stuck and have to get their spear canoe, and find a way to get back on land( true story). Anyways after we had read the story, we had to write some opened-ended questions, and answer the questions.
Question time: do you like boats, why or why not?
Bye have a great day, see you soon:)

Friday, June 19, 2020

Beep bop

For maths, we had to make a robot out of angels, we used google drawings. After we had made our robot, the teacher printed it out for us. Then we had to find 8 angels, here are the angels we had to find, a reflex, right, acute and obtuse.
Question time: do you like robots? what should I name my robot?
Bye have a great day:)

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Rich VS Poor

For inquiry, we had to sketch a drawing of something we think is bad in the world I chose Rich VS Poor, and we are going to use different materials to make our art. What does my sketch mean: I chose an eye because they are looking at what is happening, the bildings are 100 dollar notes because those people have hundreds of dollars and on the other side are tiny houses on a hill with people with only cents, not bills.
Question time: What sort of art do you like?
Hope you have a great day, see you next week bye:) 

Friday, June 12, 2020


For maths we had to draw are name in angels, after we had done that we had to least find one reflex angle,  one straight angle, one obtuse angle, one right angle, and one acute angle. After we had done could decorate it if you wanted but I did not. Anyways hope you like my blog post and come back later, have a nice day bye.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


For inquiry, we had to choose one photo that we like the most or one that catches us more, I chose this one. We had to write at least three paragraphs of what we think it means, and what you think they are doing, I also put in a fact in just because I can. Most of the art are graffiti or just art on walls, concrete or anywhere you can imagine, just mabey not the bathroom. I hope you come back soon on my blog and have a great day. 
Question time: What do you think this photo means to you?

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Z for Zoe

Kia ora bloggers,

For numeracy today, we have started to learn about angles.  

We learned about 3 different angles today - acute (less than 90°), right angle (90°), and obtuse (larger than 90° but smaller than 180°).  We also learned how to use a protractor to measure angles.  We know that we need to measure an angle from a vertice (a corner where two straight lines meet).

For our create a task, we had to measure three different angles on the first letter of our name - can you figure out if they are acute, right angle, or obtuse?

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The lonely man

Kia ora bloggers, This week for literacy we have been learning about inferencing and show not tell. When we read something, we automatically start making inferences, so it is important when we write that we give clues in our writing that allow people to make inferences. We want to show them - not tell them. For example, Paul was frustrated when he got to the bus stop and realized he had just missed the bus. But instead, I could write “Running as fast as he could, Paul turned the corner only to see the back of the bus as it pulled away. Throwing his bag down on the ground and sighing out loud, Paul realized that he had no choice, but to sit and wait for the next bus to arrive - 20 minutes from now” You can infer from me saying ‘throwing his bag down and sighing out loud’ that he is frustrated. Our task was to create a video that accompanied a piece of writing about an elderly man. We used Adobe Spark to do this. Have a look at my video and see if you can make some inferences about what I have written. Do you think the elderly man is happy?

My birthday grid reference

Hi Bloggers,

For numeracy this week, we have been learning about grid references and we have been working on 4 and 6 digit grid references.

We learned that we read across the bottom of the grid first (Easterlings) and then up the side second (Northings).  

Our task today was to look at an aerial map of our school, write down the 6 digit grid references for the letters that our teacher had put on it, and then go in hunt of those points.  At each point, there were 1 or 2 letters.  Once we had them all, we had to come back into the hub and unscramble the letters to figure out what it spelled.  The secret sentence was ‘Happy Birthday Zoe’ because it was my birthday today on the 28 of May.

I really enjoyed the task.  Have you ever had to use grid references before in real life?  What was it for?

See you next time, 

Friday, May 22, 2020

My bee bot

For Numeracy this week we have been looking at compass directions.  We have worked on reading maps using the 8 main directions - North, South, East, West, North-East, South-East, North-West and South-West and then we moved onto using Beebots and our knowledge of compass directions to get a Beebot through the grid to various locations.

We had to program the Beebot with our own algorithm, using forward's, backward's, turn right, turn left and N, S, E, W.  It was important that we regularly tested our algorithm to check we didn’t need to debug (find a problem and fix it).

Question time: have you ever written an algorithm for something?  Have you ever had to use a compass for something?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The cruel twits

This week we have been looking carefully at making inferences when we read or watch something. 

An inference is when we take clues from a text or image, and
add them to our thoughts or prior knowledge and make an inference.  For example,
  when I look at this photo, I might make the inference that
What’s going on in this picture? Look closely at the image above or view it in a <a href="">larger size</a>, then tell us what you see by posting a comment. On Thursday afternoon, we will reveal more about the image and its origins at the bottom of this post.
this photo was taken in a food factory as everyone is wearing hair
nets and this is required in all food factories.

The text that we read a snippet out of ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl.
Once we had read the first few chapters where they described the main characters, Mr. and Mrs. Twit, we then had to make some inferences based on the clues that Roald Dahl had given in the text.

I used Google Draw to create a display of my inferences I have made about Mr. and Mrs. Twit. 

 Question time: have you read the Twits before?  Do you agree with my inferences? What inferences would you make about the characters?

See you next time!

Friday, May 15, 2020


For this week's maths, we had to learn about the capacity in milliliters and liters. This is a way of measuring the liquid inside of bottles,  in question b, mum had three 2-liter bottles of juice and had 250-milliliter glass cups, how many cups would she fill, I got 24 cups. Anyways I hope you have been enjoying my blog, and... we go back to school on Monday yay!
Question time: what is your favorite drink?       

The Brave Survivor

In literacy, we have been reading Going Solo by Roald Dahl.

It's about all the adventures he goes on. He went to Africa to work for The Shell Company and he has many adventures there. Some of these are really funny. 

He then joined the RAF to fly in WW2. I have recreated a part of the story where his plane crashes in the desert.

He manages to survive although he is blinded by the crash and badly injured. He does get his sight back eventually. Going Solo is a great novel that I would recommend you read
Question time: what is your favorite book that Ronald Dahl wrote. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

DIY heat pack

For technology, we had to reuse an old piece of fabric and make it into something new. I made a heat pack out of an old top, first me and my mum carefully chopped the bottom of the top,  after we had done that we started ruling out some lines. Then, we chopped the top where the lines were. after that we started stitching the top inside, so we could get a better finish.larst but not least we put in a lot of rice into the top, and we seld it all off.
Question time: what have you aver reused an old pease of fabric?

Friday, May 8, 2020

My dream house

For maths, we got to make our dream house, we had to design our house on a grid fist. After we have finished our house, we got to design one room, I choose my bedroom. We had to use a website that I have never used before, The app was very hard for me to use so I used
Anyways  I will be working on doing my hole dream house.
Question time: what would your dream house be made of?      

Sunday, May 3, 2020

🍕homemade pizza🍕

For technology, I made homemade pizza for the first time, and it turned out amazing! for making the dough, I searched up homemade pizza dough on youtube, this is the video that I used When I started to make the dough, I did the wrong measurement of yeast, it said one tsp but I did one Tbsp. Anyway, after I let the dough rest, we shaped our pizza and put toppings on it. Tips for making a pizza, knead the dough for about 10 minutes or until soft,  when rolling your dough make it very thin because it will double in size,  the pizza will be ready when golden brown.

Question time: have you ever made your own pizza dough before?     

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

🎨My art peace🎨

For art, I made a drawing for my auntie.  First, I looked up some photos and I thought it was so cute. After would's I started drawing the photo by hand, it took quite a long time because I have never drawn fingers before, then I started panting it very carefully so I didn't, mess up all my hard work.

Question time have you ever dawn anything for your aunties or uncles?  

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Anzac day

For Anzac day I made an art piece,  first I searched up Anzac art on Pinterest to get some inspiration. Then I got my image and drew it by hand, after that I started panting it as you can see I made a little bit f mistakes hope you like it.

       Question time do you like drawing?       

Sunday, March 15, 2020

My learning game

For language, we had to make a game on scratch about how to count to ten in Samoan. I did one before on a slide but now we had to make a game. First, we had to choose a charter I choose a unicorn🦄, then we had to start to make our game and after that,  we had to choose a background.
Question time do you like unicorns?

Monday, March 9, 2020

My secret art

For coding we had to make a binary.
First, we had to make a gride on Google docs, then we had
to make a pattern with only white and black.
If you want to solve my binary please do
white is 1 and black is 0 and my gride
size is 12 down and 16 to the side.

How to count to 10 in Samoan


For languages, we had to write about how to count to 10 in Samoan.  We had to look at a website called that tort us properly how to Count to 100 and over, here is the website
 Question time are you Samoan?

Monday, March 2, 2020

😬I am sorry for what I have done😬

have you done anything naughty?be honest

Sunday, March 1, 2020

My family tree

For inquiry, we had to make a family tree. At the bottom are me and my sisters, Maia and Keisha, on the next line is my Mum Tasha
, and my dad Jaime and his brothers Tony and Shane, and at the top are my Mum's parents Whaiatua Hapi and Brian Nichols, then my Dad's parents Michael Roberts and Daine Bourke.
How many people are in your family?

Friday, February 14, 2020

The perfect portrait

Hello, my name is Zoe for school you can see I have a cat that I love his name is Caesar, and I have a dog called Tuma. I also love my family, doughnuts, Sushi, Avocado, McDonald's, Art, Baking and I love Keyboard. 
Do you like avocado?